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mercredi 11 janvier 2012

Du pain maison - home made bread

Plus de pain et la flemme de sortir. La solution? Faire mon pain moi-même!
Allez savoir pourquoi mes petits monstres préfèrent le pain de mie à notre bonne veille baguette franchouillarde.
J'ai donc fait 2 pains de mie que voici en photo
No more bread at home and too lazy to go get some, I've decided to do my own bread.
I don't understand why but my 2 little monsters prefer "pain de mie" than french "baguette" so I made 2 "pains de mie".

La recette vient de Marmiton et franchement c'est pas compliqué du tout à faire!
Je précise que je n'ai pas de machine à pain donc pétrissage à la main (ouf!).
It is really easy to make! Note that I have no bread machine so kneading by hand (whew!) 
The recipe comes from the french cooking website Marmiton so I will try to translate it for you:

For 1 bread you'll need:
- 500g of flour
- 20 g of yeast
- 50g of butter
- 1 dl of water
- 10g of salt
- 20g of sugar
- 20cl of warm milk

Dissolve yeast in warm milk.
Put the flour in a large bowl and dig a hole in the center. Then add sugar and salt in the hole.
Once the yeast is dissolved in the milk, stir the mixture into the hole. Then add water and melted butter.
Knead the dough evenly and allow to double in volume (room temperature).
Butter a suitable pan and place the dough in it.
Cover the pan and let dough rise again until it reaches the top of the pan.
Preheat oven to 220 ° C. Then lower the temperature to 180 ° C. Put your pan in the oven and bake your bread for 40 minutes.

I hope this is understandable. Feel free to ask me questions if it's not clear

Oups en traduisant la recette  je me rends compte que j'ai oublié de baisser la température du four :s j'espère que ce sera pas trop sec.
Oops translating the recipe I realized that I forgot to lower the oven temperature :s
hope the bread is not too dry 

Ah oui et petite note qui n'a rien à voir: à la suite d'un échange de mail avec Tapiwa de African Daydreams , j'ai décidé de rendre ce blog bilingue. 
A little note that has nothing to do whith bread: After a little message exchange whith Tapiwa from African Daydreams I've decided to write this blog both in french and english. Welcome to english spoken readers and apologise for my mistakes.
Rendez-vous sur Hellocoton !

2 commentaires:

  1. Hi Marie, this means I need to get started on my French!

    Take care, Tapiwa

  2. Hi Tapiwa,
    glad to read you!

    yes, now it's your turn ;)
    see you


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